Lucent One Word Substitution PDF का अगर आप Short Notes डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं तो यहाँ पर आपको One Word Substitution के सारे PDF मिलेंगे.
Lucent एक बहुत ही अच्छी Book है One Word Substitution के लिए. इस Book में SSC और Banking Exam में जितने भी Questions अभी तक पूछे गए हैं सब मिलेगा आपको.
मैंने Lucent One Word Substitution PDF से कुछ important previous year के questions लिखा हूँ जिसे आप PDF download करने के पहले पढ़ सकते हैं.
1. An order requiring a person to attend a court is called
A. Courtship
B. Agreement
C. Subpoena
D. Command
2. An extreme fear of being in a small confined place is called
A. Hydrophobia
B. Paraphernalia
C. Claustrophobia
D. Progeria
3. An inscription on a tomb is called
A. Epitaph
B. Crypt
C. Obituary
D. Legacy
4. Allowance due to a wife from her husband on divorce
A. Patrimony
B. Antimony
C. Parsimony
D. Alimony
5. Practice of employing spies in a war is called
A. Esplanade
B. Espionage
C. Espadrille
D. Estrangement
6. One who is unable to speak
A. deaf
B. dumb
C. visionless
D. lame
7. Pertaining to cattle is called
A. Canine
C. Bovine
B. Feline
D. Verminous
8. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way is
A. Glower
B. Gnaw
C. Gnash
D. Grind
9. The post which has little work but high salary
A. Director
C. Sinecure
B. Trustee
D. Ombudsman
10. Something that causes death eventually
A. Dangerous
B. Fatal
C. Brutal
D. Horrible
11. A person who writes decoratively is called
A. Calligrapher
B. Colliery
C. Choreographer
D. Cartographer
12. A person who loves mankind is known as
A. misanthrope
B. anthropologist
C. philanthropist
D. mercenary
13. Capable of being interpreted in two ways
A. confusing
B. unclear
C. ambiguous
D. ambivert
14. A person who has narrow and prejudiced religious views
A. religious
B. fanatic
C. bigot
D. god-fearing
15. A person who writes decoratively is called
A. Calligrapher
B. Collier
C. Choreographer
D. Cartographer
16. One word for pertaining to cattle is
A. Canine
B. Feline
C. Bovine
D. Verminous
17. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way is called
A. Glower
B. Gnaw
C. Gnash
D. Grind
18. One word for a post with little work but high salary
A. Director
B. Trustee
C. Sinecure
D. Ombudsman
19. One word for something that causes death
A. Dangerous
B. Fatal
C. Brutal
D. Horrible
20. A person who has no money to pay off his debt is called
A. Insolvent
B. Poor
C. Destitute
D. Pauper
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Conclusion : – One Word Substitution बहुत ही scoring पार्ट होता है English Vocabulary का. यहाँ पर जितने भी PDF मैंने दिए हैं सबको आप अच्छी तरह से पढ़ लें.