[Download] One Word Substitution Mock Test

Today you are going to take the One Word Substitution Mock Test. One Word Substitution is very important and scoring in the Vocabulary section. This test is very important for SSC and Banking exams. 


Nowadays, in many exams One Word Substitution is asked for example – Teaching and other government exams. Now lets start One Word Substitution Mock Test.


1. A person belonging to a foreign country is called
A. Native
B. Resident
C. Alien
D. Inhabitant

Ans ➺ C


2. A cure for all diseases.
A. Laxative
B. Panacea
C. Antidote
D. Purgative

Ans ➺ B


3. Something that cannot be avoided
A. Indelible
B. Infallible
C. Inevitable
D. Invincible

Ans ➺ C


4. A raised passageway in a building is called
A. Walkway
B. Walkout
C. Walkabout
D. Walkover

Ans ➺ A


5. A group of singers in a church is called
A. Band
B. Host
C. Choir
D. Troop

Ans ➺ C


6. A system of naming things is known as
A. Horticulture
B. Miniature
C. Genocide
D. Nomenclature

Ans ➺ D


7. A person who does not tire easily is called
A. Inevitable
B. Indefatigable
C. Indelible
D. Infallible

Ans ➺ B


8. A person who hates women
A. Philanthropist
B. Ascetic
C. Misogamist
D. Misogynist

Ans ➺ D


9. Impossible or extremely difficult to understand
A. Inaudible
B. Incomprehensible
C. Incompatible
D. Inevitable

Ans ➺ B


10. One who is able to use the left hand and right hand equally well
A. Ambivert
B. Ambidextrous
C. Ambivalent
D. Ambitious

Ans ➺ B


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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 1

1 / 10

A system of naming things.

2 / 10

One who hates women.

3 / 10

A raised passageway in a building.

4 / 10

Impossible or extremely difficult to understand

5 / 10

Able to use the left hand and right hand equally well.

6 / 10

A group of singers in a church

7 / 10

A person belonging to a foreign country

8 / 10

A cure for all diseases.

9 / 10

One who does not tire easily

10 / 10

Something that cannot be avoided

Your score is



11. Dome-shaped shelter built from blocks of solid snow is called
A. Chalet
B. Wigwam
C. Hut
D. Igloo

Ans ➺ D


12. A person who never makes mistakes.
A. Pessimist
B. Optimist
C. Infallible
D. Hypocrite

Ans ➺ C


13. That which cannot be taken by force is called
A. Impregnable
B. Inapprehensible
C. Inaccessible
D. Immutable

Ans ➺ A


14. A written statement about someone’s character is called
A. Testimonial
B. Memorandum
C. Certificate
D. License

Ans ➺ A


15. A large impressive house is called
A. Mansion
B. Shack
C. Cabin
D. Fort

Ans ➺ A


16. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank is called
A. Swamps
B. Marshes
C. Hinterland
D. Isthmuses

Ans ➺ C


17. A rabbit’s dwelling is known as
A. Lair
B. Den
C. Sty
D. Burrow

Ans ➺ D


18. An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody.
A. Foundling
B. Sibling
C. Urchin
D. Orphan

Ans ➺ A


19. A sound that cannot be heard is called
A. Inevitable
B. Incomprehensible
C. Inaudible
D. Illegible

Ans ➺ C


20. Art of writing for newspapers and magazines is called
A. Literature
B. Journalism
C. Biography
D. Artistry

Ans ➺ B

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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 2

1 / 10

A type of dome-shaped shelter built from blocks of solid snow

2 / 10

A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer.

3 / 10

A large impressive house

4 / 10

Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank.

5 / 10

A sound that cannot be heard

6 / 10

That which cannot be taken by force

7 / 10

Art of writing for newspapers and magazines.

8 / 10

One who does not make mistakes.

9 / 10

A rabbit’s dwelling.

10 / 10

An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody.

Your score is



21. A person, animal or plant much below the usual height is called
A. Creature
B. Witch
C. Wizard
D. Dwarf

Ans ➺ D


22. A person who gambles or bets is known as
A. Punter
B. Backer
C. Customer
D. Client

Ans ➺ A


23. A student who idly or without excuse absents himself from school is called
A. Vagrant
B. Itinerant
C. Migrant
D. Truant

Ans ➺ D


24. A place that provides refuge.
A. Shelter
B. House
C. Country
D. Asylum

Ans ➺ D


25. A person, animal or plant belonging originally to a place is called
A. Occupant
B. Alien
C. Native
D. Resident

Ans ➺ C


26. Doing something according to one’s own free will is called
A. Wilfully
B. Obligingly
C. Voluntarily
D. Compulsorily

Ans ➺ C


27. A foreigner who settles in a country is called
A. Immigrant
B. Emigrant
C. Alien
D. Visitor

Ans ➺ A


28. A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging is called
A. Vagrant
B. Truant
C. Itinerant
D. Migrant

Ans ➺ A


29. A small room in a big house, hotel, ship, train etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons, food etc. are kept is called
A. Portico
B. Pantry
C. Mezzanine
D. Kitchen

Ans ➺ B


30. A state of perfect balance is called
A. Equinox
B. Equivalent
C. Equilibrium
D. Equilateral

Ans ➺ C


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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 3

1 / 10

A person, animal or plant much below the usual height

2 / 10

A small room in a big house, hotel, ship, train etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons, food etc. are kept.

3 / 10

A person who gambles or bets.

4 / 10

A foreigner who settles in a country.

5 / 10

Place that provides refuge.

6 / 10

A state of perfect balance

7 / 10

A student who idly or without excuse absents himself/herself from school

8 / 10

A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.

9 / 10

Doing something according to one’s own free will.

10 / 10

A person, animal or plant belonging originally to a place

Your score is



31. A biological test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested is called
A. Biopsy
B. Autopsy
C. Operation
D. Amputation

Ans ➺ A


32. A person who draws or produces maps is known as
A. Calligrapher
B. Cartographer
C. Lexicographer
D. Choreographer

Ans ➺ B


33. One who compiles a dictionary is called
A. Geographer
B. Lexicographer
C. Lapidist
D. Linguist

Ans ➺ B


34. A number of ships together
A. Fleet
B. Galaxy
C. Constellation
D. Group

Ans ➺ B


35. One who has no money to pay off his debts
A. Insolvent
B. Poor
C. Destitute
D. Pauper

Ans ➺ A


36. An enclosure to keep the birds
A. Stable
B. Apiary
C. Sanctuary
D. Aviary

Ans ➺ D


37. Words uttered impiously about God by someone
A. Amoral
B. Philosophy
C. Logic
D. Blasphemy

Ans ➺ D


38. An inscription on a tombstone written in memory of the deceased person
A. Slab
B. Basilica
C. Epitaph
D. Pillar

Ans ➺ C


39. Persons living at the same time is called
A. Contemporaries
B. Cosmopolitans
C. Compatriots
D. Colleagues

Ans ➺ A


40. One who believes that people cannot change the way events will happen
A. Seer
B. Prophet
C. Fanatic
D. Fatalist

Ans ➺ D

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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 4

1 / 10

An enclosure to keep the birds in

2 / 10

Persons living at the same time.

3 / 10

A person who has no money to pay off his debts.

4 / 10

An inscription on a tombstone written in memory of the deceased

5 / 10

One who compiles a dictionary is known as.

6 / 10

A biological test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested.

7 / 10

Words uttered impiously about God.

8 / 10

Someone who believes that people cannot change the way events will happen

9 / 10

A person who draws or produces maps

10 / 10

A number of ships.

Your score is



41. One who is not sure about God’s existence is called
A. Agnostic
B. Amateur
C. Altruist
D. Anarchist

Ans ➺ A


42. To confirm with the help of evidence is called
A. Corroborate
B. Implicate
C. Designate
D. Extricate

Ans ➺ A


43. A lover of mankind is called
A. Arbitrator
B. Altruist
C. Apostate
D. Demagogue

Ans ➺ B


44. A person who is a dabbler in arts, science or literature is called
A. Dilettante
B. Aesthete
C. Maestro
D. Connoisseur

Ans ➺ A


45. One who does a thing for pleasure and not as his profession
A. Apostate
B. Debonair
C. Amateur
D. Demagogue

Ans ➺ C


46. The time between midnight and noon is called
A. Afternoon
B. Antipodes
C. Ante – Meridiem
D. Antenatal

Ans ➺ C


47. One who can use both hand with ease
A. Apostate
B. Bankrupt
C. Amateur
D. Ambidexterous

Ans ➺ D


48. Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and condition is called
A. Parole
B. Parley
C. Pardon
D. Acquittal

Ans ➺ A


49. One who is out to destroy all governments, peace and order is called
A. Anarchist
B. Apostate
C. Bankrupt
D. Amateur

Ans ➺ A


50. To struggle helplessly is called
A. Flounder
B. Founder
C. Fumble
D. Finger

Ans ➺ A

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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 5

1 / 10

A person who is a dabbler in arts, science or literature is called

2 / 10

One who can use both hand with ease

3 / 10

The time between midnight and noon is called

4 / 10

One who is not sure about God's existence is called

5 / 10

Release of a prisoner from jail on certain terms and condition is called

6 / 10

One who does a thing for pleasure and not as his profession

7 / 10

One who is out to destroy all governments, peace and order is called

8 / 10

To struggle helplessly is called

9 / 10

A lover of mankind is called

10 / 10

To confirm with the help of evidence is called

Your score is



51. A person who has changed his faith is called
A. Bankrupt
B. Apostate
C. Debonair
D. Amateur

Ans ➺ B


52. One who tends to take a hopeful view of life is known as
A. Magnate
B. Creator
C. Pacifist
D. Optimist

Ans ➺ D


53. A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute is called
A. Bankrupt
B. Amateur
C. Arbitrator
D. Demagogue

Ans ➺ C


54. One who is known for bad acts is
A. Famous
B. Notorious
C. Criminal
D. Terrorist

Ans ➺ B


55. A person who leads an austere life is called
A. Demagogue
B. Amateur
C. Cynic
D. Ascetic

Ans ➺ D


56. Words which have similar meaning are called
A. Homonyms
B. Pseudonyms
C. Antonyms
D. Synonyms

Ans ➺ D


57. One who does not believe in God
A. Atheist
B. Bankrupt
C. Demagogue
D. Cosmopolitan

Ans ➺ A


58. A speech delivered without previous preparation is called
A. Soliloquy
B. Extempore
C. Rhetoric
D. Expression

Ans ➺ B


59. A person who is unable to pay his debts
A. Apostate
B. Bankrupt
C. Cynic
D. Cosmopolitan

Ans ➺ B


60. A person who pretends to be what he is not
A. Crocodile
B. Flatterer
C. Hypocrite
D. Counterfeiter

Ans ➺ C

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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 6

1 / 10

A person who has changed his faith is called

2 / 10

A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute is called

3 / 10

A person who leads an austere life is called

4 / 10

A person who pretends to be what he is not

5 / 10

Words which have similar meaning are called

6 / 10

One who is known for bad acts is

7 / 10

A speech delivered without previous preparation is called

8 / 10

A person who is unable to pay his debts

9 / 10

One who does not believe in God

10 / 10

One who tends to take a hopeful view of life is known as

Your score is



I hope these one word substitution mock test must have helped you. You can note down those words in your notebook which you marked incorrectly for revision purposes.

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