One Word Substitution MCQ Set 10

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One Word Substitution MCQ

One Word Substitution Quiz Set - 10

1 / 10

Feeling inside you which tells what is right and what is wrong is called

2 / 10

The action of looking within or into one's own mind is called

3 / 10

One who leaves his country to settle in another country is called

4 / 10

A man who is womanish in his habits is called

5 / 10

Fear of height is called

6 / 10

Still existing and known is called

7 / 10

A person who often talks of his achievements is called

8 / 10

The highest point is called

9 / 10

A dabbler not serious in art, science and literature is called

10 / 10

A lover of oneself, of one's advancement is called

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