Preposition MCQ Set 4

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Preposition MCQ

Preposition Quiz Set - 4

1 / 10

Iron has become dearer _____ the end of the last year.

2 / 10

This car is too expensive to keep ______ .

3 / 10

Kanishka was initiated ____ Buddhism by Buddhist monks.

4 / 10

In an election, those in power should feel obliged to compete ______ their opponents on equal terms.

5 / 10

Many Canadians name their children ____ Indians.

6 / 10

There is already opposition _____ the government’s industrial policy.

7 / 10

Co-operation between friends stems ____ mutual consideration.

8 / 10

Consequent upon heavy loss she is worse ____ these days.

9 / 10

The work on that project has been seriously set _____ .

10 / 10

Indians have pinned their hopes ____ the emergence of some superman.

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