Spoken English Quiz [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 1 ByPDFKING.IN September 24, 2023September 24, 2023Write a Comment on [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 1 97 Created by PDFKING.IN Spoken English Test - 1 1 / 10 क्या वह कार चलाना जानता है ? Does he know how to drive ? Does he know driving ? Do he drive a car ? Does he know how to drive a car ? 2 / 10 कौन आ रहा है ? Who’s coming ? He is coming ? Does he come ? Why he comes ? 3 / 10 तुमने सुबह क्या खाया ? What have you eaten in the morning ? What have you ate in the morning ? What has you eaten in the breakfast ? What have you taken in breakfast ? 4 / 10 हम कहां मिलेंगे अब ? Where we will meet ? Where will we be meeting ? Where shall we meet ? Where shall we meet now ? 5 / 10 क्या तुम नहीं जाओगे ? Willn’t you go ? Won’t you go ? Didn’t you go ? What you not go ? 6 / 10 क्या आपने सब काम कर लिया है ? Did you finished all work ? When have you done your work ? Why have you done your work ? Have you done all the work ? 7 / 10 क्या मैं आपका नाम जान सकता हूँ ? May I know your name ? Can I know your name ? May you know me name ? None of these 8 / 10 कितने लोग आ रहे हैं ? How many men are coming ? How many boys are coming ? How many are coming ? How many people are coming ? 9 / 10 हम क्यों मिलेंगे ? Where we will meet ? Why we will meet ? When we will meet ? Why we will be together ? 10 / 10 यह किसका टेलीफोन फोन नंबर है ? Whose telephone number is this ? Whose number is this ? Whose call is this ? Whose telephone is this ? Your score is 0% Restart quiz Spoken English Online Test Test 10 Test 09 Test 08 Test 07 Test 06 Test 05 Test 04 Test 03 Test 02 Test 01 1/5 - (1 vote)
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 9 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 3 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 10 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz