Spoken English Quiz [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 4 ByPDFKING.IN September 24, 2023September 24, 2023Write a Comment on [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 4 8 Created by PDFKING.IN Spoken English Test - 4 1 / 10 लोग मुझसे मिल रहे हैं। People are coming to me. I am meeting everyone. I am going to meet everyone. People are meeting me. 2 / 10 भविष्य में ऐसा मत करना। Don’t do so in future. Never do this. Never do this again. Don’t do this again. 3 / 10 वह कहाँ रहती है ? Where does she live ? Where she live ? Does she live there ? Where do she live ? 4 / 10 हमने ऐसा क्यों किया ? Why did I do so ? Why it happened ? Why you do this ? Why did we do so ? 5 / 10 अपने दिमाग का इस्तेमाल करो। Concentrate yourself. Always use brain. Use your brain. Always use your brain. 6 / 10 आपका गुस्सा जायज है। Your anger is justified. Why are you angry. Your anger is ok. You are angry. 7 / 10 मुझे ये सब मत बताओ। Don't tell me all this. Why you tell me this ? Why you always tell this ? Why you are speaking this ? 8 / 10 मजाक मत बनाओ। Don't make fun of him. Don’t laugh at me. Don’t smile at me. Don’t always laugh. 9 / 10 मैंनें उसे कभी नहीं देखा। I never saw him. I did not see him. I am alone. He saw me never. 10 / 10 ये मेरे लिए बड़ी बात है। It's a big deal for me. It is a very big matter to me. This is a big for me. This is big to me. Your score is 0% Restart quiz Spoken English Online Test Test 10 Test 09 Test 08 Test 07 Test 06 Test 05 Test 04 Test 03 Test 02 Test 01 Rate this post
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