Spoken English Quiz [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 3 ByPDFKING.IN September 24, 2023September 24, 2023Write a Comment on [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 3 13 Created by PDFKING.IN Spoken English Test - 3 1 / 10 मुझे वहाँ जरुर जाना चाहिए। I go there. I will always go there. Why should I must go there ? I must go there. 2 / 10 क्या वो वहाँ जाती है ? Does she go there ? Do she go there ? Why she goes there ? Does she always go there ? 3 / 10 मेरे रास्ते से हट जाओ। Away from my road. Out of from my way. Move out of my way. Don’t be on my way. 4 / 10 आप वहाँ क्यों गये ? Why you go there ? There you go why ? Why did you go there ? Why you always go there ? 5 / 10 इसका क्या अर्थ है ? What is this ? What do you mean ? What is the meaning ? What does it mean ? 6 / 10 तुमने ऐसा क्यों किया ? Did you do this ? Why did you do so ? Why you did that ? Why you always do this ? 7 / 10 क्या तुम मुझसे मिलोगे ? Do you meet me ? Will you meet me ? Will you come to meet me ? Will I meet you ? 8 / 10 हमने उन्हें देखा था। We had seen them. They had seen us. I saw him. We saw them. 9 / 10 बढ़ा - चढ़ा कर मत बोलो। Don’t speak much. Why you exaggerate ? Speak simply and clearly. Don't exaggerate. 10 / 10 क्या आप उसे जानते हैं ? Did you know her ? Why you know her ? Does she know you ? Do you know her ? Your score is 0% Restart quiz Spoken English Online Test Test 10 Test 09 Test 08 Test 07 Test 06 Test 05 Test 04 Test 03 Test 02 Test 01 5/5 - (1 vote)
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 1 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz
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