Spoken English Quiz [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 5 ByPDFKING.IN September 24, 2023September 24, 2023Write a Comment on [Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 5 11 Created by PDFKING.IN Spoken English Test - 5 1 / 10 तुमने ऐसा क्यों सोचा ? Why did you think so ? Why you are thinking like this ? Why you are thinking ? Why you think ? 2 / 10 वह हिंदी में कमजोर है। He is weak in Hindi. She are weak in Hindi. She is weak Hindi. You are weak in Hindi. 3 / 10 क्या वह स्कूल जा रहा है ? Are he going to school ? Was he going to school ? Is he going to school ? Are you going to school ? 4 / 10 वो किसके साथ गयी ? With whom do she go ? With he did go ? With you do go ? With whom did she go ? 5 / 10 आप मुझे स्वार्थी लगते हो। You seem to be selfish. They seem be selfish. You are seem to be selfish. None of these 6 / 10 वह बिलकुल समय से आया है । He is just in time. He is before time. He always comes on time. He always comes in time. 7 / 10 बक - बक मत करो। Don’t speak nonsense. Do speak nonsense. Did speak nonsense. Does speak nonsense. 8 / 10 उठने का समय हो गया है। It is time to wake up. It's late now. Wake up. Waking up on time is good. Wake up early. 9 / 10 तुम वहाँ क्यों जाते हो ? Why are you go there ? Why does you go there ? Why do you go there ? When do you go there ? 10 / 10 आज क्या तारीख है ? What date today ? Why date today ? When the date today ? What’s the date today ? Your score is 0% Restart quiz Spoken English Online Test Test 10 Test 09 Test 08 Test 07 Test 06 Test 05 Test 04 Test 03 Test 02 Test 01 Rate this post
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 7 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 6 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz
[Quiz] Spoken English MCQ In Hindi Online Test – 8 September 24, 2023September 24, 2023 Spoken English Quiz